Website Link to heading

Blog Link to heading

TODO TALK: GitOps problems and keeping it secure Link to heading

TODO TALK: android reverse engineering Link to heading

DONE Ceph system debugging, xfs system lockups, patches, persistent volume performance, IOPS hugoblog Link to heading

:EXPORT_DATE: <2023-08-04 Fri> :HUGO_SECTION: posts :HUGO_TAGS: “helloworld” :EXPORT_HUGO_SECTION: posts


TODO write post about vdirsyncher khal and neomutt Link to heading

TODO swapcaps dual function keys cap2esc keyd Link to heading

TODO buy network appliance, instead of hiring an engineer for kubernetes storage. TrueNAS is cheaper than an engineer maintaining ceph. Taiwan ceph appliance Link to heading

TODO baby bibs Link to heading

TODO tianocore build Link to heading

TODO fluxcd issues Link to heading

TODO Observability in kubernetes Link to heading

TODO blog post about authinfo.g Link to heading

pg for doom emacs

TODO gitlab ci, terraform gitlab Link to heading

TODO baby milk Link to heading

TODO smartos-live build how to rebuild illumos-joyent. delete the 0- file Link to heading


TODO baby crying patterns Link to heading

TODO reverse engineering macos past and recent, objc, swift Link to heading

TODO do a solokey Link to heading

s hacker development tutorial

TODO reverse engineering android repackage Link to heading

TODO kubernetes policy Link to heading

TODO write blog post on eww mouse keys in doom emacs Link to heading

TODO write blog post on elfeed doom emacs Link to heading

TODO Reverse engineering android with samsung accessories Link to heading

TODO Why Americas selfish TSMC trade policy endangers Taiwans future Link to heading

TODO Blog post on performance why pipelines are not worth it if you don’t benchmark your code Link to heading

TODO build platform in older platform Link to heading

mkdir /code cd /code git clone … LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/code/smartos-live/proto/usr/lib gmake live

TODO What swift means for revrese engineering Mac software Link to heading

TODO Why a good leader shows strength Link to heading

TODO Modernize your business and employees before the economy modernizes you and your employees Link to heading

  • Steinkohle

TODO Why getting rid of all languages destroys independent thought, star trek enterprise on the premise of freedom and happiness. Past cultures will die out with their language. Link to heading

exampe of translation of the bible

TODO I don’t understand why people think you need to understand the underlying git to understand git Link to heading