Blog Posts

ViInutMate on github

I noticed some people try to reach that viinputmate page, which was supposed to be a better vi plugin for textmate but there’s nothing on it…

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Vim & Rails

I did a little write up on my general vim workflow and presented it at the hamburg rails user group meeting . I didn’t quite manage to get it as smooth as I originally planned, but anyway you can find the slides here

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Blog redesign...

As you can see I changed a lot on the site. It’s not yet completely working but it’s coming, so bear with me please…

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A prettier Terminal in OS-X Part 3 (urxvt and screen)

I was a bit annoyed of having to set TERM=xterm-256color. A more or less proper solution can be found on the rxvt-unicode ml from John Eikenberry.

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A prettier Terminal in OS-X Part 2 (urxvt and more awesomeness)

Update: thanks to Sung Pae you don’t need to rename perl, you can just set the environment variable:

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Proper snippets for vim... wooohoooo!

For a very long time vim has had only snippets plugins, which were using nasty regex hacks to get TextMate like snippets going…

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A prettier Terminal in OS-X Part 1 (awesome is awesome!)

o I recently switched over to awesomewm on my desktop because either the desktop wm’s suck(kde,gnome) or fluxbox,fvwm weren’t quite what I needed.

So I went looking for a good terminal that supports 256 colors. There’s mrxvt and whatnot, but again the Probleme with these is that either utf-8 is missing or they’re in some other way ugly, dependency wise or whatever.

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UTF-8 and bom problems in php

So I was trying to debug on of our Sites because we we were having an odd sign at the beginning of the files.

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Better tab completion for scp file names

As a lot of you may know, zsh offers tab completion for scp: filenames.
Normally it would connect and then list the files. As you can imagine this isn’t really that efficient.
The solution is quite simple… By adding

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