A prettier Terminal in OS-X Part 3 (urxvt and screen)

  • February 21, 2009
Table of Contents

I was a bit annoyed of having to set TERM=xterm-256color. A more or less proper solution can be found on the rxvt-unicode ml from John Eikenberry.

cd ~
infocmp -L rxvt-unicode > rxvt-unicode.terminfo
sed -i '' 's/#256/#32767/' rxvt-unicode.terminfo
sed -i '' 's/#88/#256/' rxvt-unicode.terminfo
if [ ! -e .terminfo ]; then
mkdir .terminfo
tic -o .terminfo/ rxvt-unicode.terminfo
rm rxvt-unicode.terminfo

I’ve also largely assimilated Bart’s configs. You can find them and the screenrc here .


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